Information on the personal data processing

Sgambaro S.p.A., as owner of the personal data processing (hereinafter “Owner”), issues this information to the interested party in compliance with European and Italian regulations on the protection of personal data. This information integrates the navigation policy of our website, with the aim of illustrating to the User how the Company will specifically treat the data entered in this form: we therefore invite you to read our privacy policy.

Purpose and legal basis of the processing

The Data Controller processes the personal data communicated through this form for various purposes:

  1. to respond to requests forwarded, for example to obtain information on products or services (including sending the brochure, catalog and/or other company information material, for information on Pastamondo and guided tours), to obtain a quote , etc.: consent is therefore not required because the processing is necessary to respond to such requests;
  2. to follow up on your complaint requests: the processing is necessary to respond to such requests. The legal basis consists in the legitimate interest of the Owner to follow up on the final consumer’s complaint requests as well as to fulfill the legal obligations connected to the management of his complaint;
  3. for purposes connected or instrumental to the activities of personnel research and selection: consent is not required, even if data of a particular nature were provided, because the processing is necessary to pursue the research purposes and selection of the Owner.

Data retention period

The retention criteria for your data can be established as follows:

  1. if information is requested, the data will be processed for the time necessary to provide feedback; if a quot is requested, however, the data will be processed for a time linked to the effective date of the proposal;
  2. in the event of a complaint, the data will be processed for the time necessary to respond, in any case not exceeding five years.
  3. In case of sending applications, the Data Controller will process the data for a maximum period of twenty-four months.

This is without prejudice to further conservation for the time necessary to settle (however achieved) any disputes that may arise.

Nature of the provision of data and consequences in case of refusal

The provision of data is strictly related to the use of the form and is therefore necessary to forward the request for information, complaints or your application: failure to communicate, in fact, makes it impossible to provide the requested information or pursue the selection purposes of the Owner.

Scope of data communication and categories of recipients

The Data Controller will not diffuse the data, but intends to communicate them to internal figures authorized to process them based on their respective duties, as well as to professionals or service companies and to public and private bodies, also following inspections and checks. If you send an application, your data may also be provided to the Occupational Doctor. In the case of requesting information on the online shop, the requests will be forwarded to the manager of the same.
Such recipients, should they process data on behalf of the Data Controller, will be appointed as data controllers with a specific contract or other legal act.

Data transfer to a third country and/or an international organization

Personal data will not be transferred either to non-European third countries or to international organizations.

Rights of interested parties

The interested party has the right to ask the Data Controller to access their personal data and to rectify them if inaccurate, to delete them or limit their processing if the conditions are met, to oppose their processing for legitimate interests pursued by the Data Controller, as well as to obtain the portability of data personally provided only if subject to automated processing based on the contract. To exercise their rights, the interested party can use the form available here and forward it to the Data Controller at the following address: The interested party also has the right to propose a complaint to the competent supervisory authority on the matter, Guarantor for the protection of personal data (