Ingredients for one serving:
- 80 grams of organic Sgambaro mezze penne made from Senatore Cappelli Italian durum wheat
- 60 grams of wild sockeye smoked salmon
- 1 shallot large enough to make a light sauté base
- 40 g of ground sunflower and pumpkin seeds
- 1 level teaspoon of ground aniseed
- 1 teaspoon dried marjoram
- 1 teaspoon dried chives
- 1 teaspoon oregano
- extra virgin olive oil to create a fluid pesto
- 2 teaspoons lemon juice
Add the spices, lemon juice and oil to the ground oily seeds and blend together (or pound in a mortar) until an even and fluid mixture is obtained.
Then chop the shallot and sauté it in a pan with some water. Add the salmon, cleaned and cut into thin strips, and sauté it for a couple of minutes with the shallot.
In the meantime, cook the Sgambaro mezze penne in boiling, salted water, making sure to drain the pasta al dente. Sauté it quickly together in the pan with the salmon and one or two spoonfuls of pesto diluted with some of the pasta’s cooking water.
Serve and feast your eyes with the colours in your plate; using your sense of smell, perceive and savour the different aromatic notes; with your taste, appreciate the delicate hints of the smoked meat and the different consistency of wild salmon meat. Overwhelm yourself by the bursting flavour of the herbs and seeds, even without adding salt.
Recipe by Elena Agnoletto, therapist and naturopath
Photographs by Lucrezia Pegoraro Photography
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