Halloween is a yummy occasion to have a bit of fun in the kitchen with kids, but also on your own! Indeed, there is no better day to go back our childhood days!
Here is a simple, but really fun recipe created in the ghostly premises of the Plus Kitchen Lab of Plus Communications. You will need pumpkins, squids, forks and… brushes! Indeed, we’ll be making the monstrously good “Ghostly squid sssssbavette with pumpkin spotssss!”
Let’s start from the pumpkin sauce: bake a pumpkin in the oven until nice and tender, remove the skin and liquidise it with a drizzle of oil. If it’s very dry, soften it a bit with warm vegetable stock.
Now comes the best part: have fun decorating the plates with your children using the pumpkin sauce and squid ink (dilute them with some water if needed)! You can use simple brushes or other kitchen utensils. If you don’t have either of them, use your fingers!

While your kids tear down the kitchen, dice a large and plump squid already cleaned into cubes measuring about one centimetre. Sauté one or two cloves of garlic and brown the squid on a high flame, adding your choice of seasoning, like thyme and parsley. Take out the garlic and sauté with white wine. Let the alcohol evaporate and add the rest of the squid ink (which you will have previously mixed with some warm vegetable stock and fish fumet). Cook until nice and tender.
Bring the water to the boil, add salt and cook the pasta. Drain the Sgambaro Yellow Label bavette when ‘al dente’ and finish cooking it in the pan with the squid ink sauce, adding more of the pasta cooking water if needed.
Place a nice ‘nest’ of pasta in the plates you have decorated and dig in straight away, before Jack-o’-lantern comes to take it from you!
End the evening on a high note with a few souvenir selfies with black teeth!

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