Gnocchetti Sardi with tuna and red onion petals in a courgette sauce and aromatic herb pesto
28 / 05 / 21

Today’s recipe is a quick, spring-tasting one featuring the earliest, smaller courgettes of our gardens, good fresh tuna and aromatic herbs. A dish that goes perfectly with our Gnocchetti Sardi Etichetta Gialla (Yellow Label Gnocchetti Sardi), a pasta size we recommend you to try (unless you already know them) because they’re super versatile and super tasty!
Ingredients for 2 people
160 g “Gnocchetti Sardi Sgambaro Etichetta Gialla” (Yellow Label)
4 small courgettes
2 slices of fresh tuna
1 small red onion (preferably Tropea onion)
Vinegar (white or apple)
Fresh spices of your choice
Garlic and extra virgin olive oil

First, cut the courgettes into thin slices. Place a cast iron grill over high heat and grill each slice well on both sides. Once ready, blend them with oil, salt and pepper and a drop of white or apple vinegar.
Now finely chop a mix of aromatic herbs (oregano, rosemary, thyme, a few mint leaves), pour it in a cup and drizzle it with extra virgin olive oil, mix until you get a pesto-like texture.
Dice the tuna into cubes a few centimetres big. In a pan, heat a clove of garlic in a little oil with a few sprigs of rosemary and sear the tuna just long enough for it to change colour. Turn off the heat, remove the tuna from the pan and set everything aside.
Meanwhile, boil plenty of water, add salt and cook our Gnocchetti Sardi “al dente”. Drain the Gnocchetti, sauté them in the tuna pan, add the spice pesto, half of the grilled zucchini sauce and the tuna. Cook for a few seconds and serve: at the base of the dish put the remaining courgette sauce, then the pasta and decorate the dish with a few red onion petals. If you don’t like raw onion, you can soften it by blanching the petals in a half-water half-vinegar mixture.
Enjoy your meal!

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