The spelt of our Organic Label is 100% organic and 100% Italian, cultivated in the regions of Emilia-Romagna, Tuscany, Marche, Umbria, Lazio and Abruzzo.
We make pasta under very pure conditions and the bronze-drawing process combined with the slow drying preserve and enhance the original flavoursomeness and the many beneficial properties.
One of the world’s oldest grains, spelt, both in the dicoccum and monococcum variety, ousted in the past by the success of durum wheat, indeed recently came back into vogue thanks to its outstanding nutritional properties.
Rich in mineral salts and beta-glucans, it has a low glycaemic index that makes it particularly suitable for diabetics and those who play sports. It is also an ideal food for those following low-calorie diets: thanks to its high protein content, it is packed with energy and complete, with the advantage of helping you feel quite full for longer whilst being one of the grains with the lowest calorie intake.
It contains fibre and lignans, phytonutrients that, just like antioxidants, are able to reduce inflammation in tissue and help prevent it from degenerating. It contributes to countering the accumulation of cholesterol in arteries and its fibre promotes regular bowel movements and helps lower the secretion of bile acids, the main cause of stones.
The presence of minerals such as iron and potassium, involved in the production of red blood cells and arterial blood pressure control, improve the blood flow. Its iron content makes it a good food also for those suffering from anaemias linked to a deficiency. It contains phosphorus, one of the minerals involved in cellular renewal and in bone development, a support to prevent diseases such as osteoporosis. Lastly, it is also a good source of magnesium, an ally for muscles and the nervous system.
Featuring “weak” gluten, it is generally better tolerated than other grains by those suffering from food intolerances, though it is still NOT suitable for people with coeliac disease.
So spelt is surely a good food, to bring to the table with our organic pasta (emmer wheat, einkorn wheat or with lentils and quinoa) for a varied and well-balanced diet that also pleases the palate: its excellent taste is indeed enhanced by the way it perfectly retains its bite after cooking, which guarantees the right consistency for truly Italian pasta.

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